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Include a full suite of media tools such as Video & Audio editing tools, Conversion tools for both Video & Audio, as well as Copying and Authoring tools. Make this an all round media solution that will live up to it's name.

I'm really fed up of having to purchase seperate tools for each of the above named functions. I'd be willing to pay a lot more for something that could do it all. The name of your software doesn't quite match what it could potentially do. Be brave and make a revolution in Media tools for the average user. It would be a winner.

Whiterabbit-uk, 02.03.2012, 07:12
Idea status: under consideration


MRDeveloper, 02.03.2012, 07:53
Hi i am the developer, in the left sidebar there are some of these tools already a cd ripper tool with cddb access, a Video Recompressor tool, and a CodecTool.

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